Au Pair in America(简称A协会)每年会给美国的互惠家庭机会去提名优秀的互惠生。被提名的互惠生获得的不仅仅是一份巨大的荣誉,也承载了家庭对于她们一年努力付出的感激和认可。来自四川的Carol在美期间被家庭点名表扬并提名啦!来看看她分享的小故事吧!
“Hi, 我叫Carol! 就读于四川师范大学教育专业。Au pair除了让我的语言能力有了很大的提高,真切地体验了多元的美国文化,也让我对未来有了更清晰的方向。在结束为期一年的互惠项目之后,打算回国继续教育类的考研。目前在北卡夏洛特的一个纯美家庭,在美国的这半年我学会了如何更好地和孩子沟通,同时变的更加独立勇敢和自信。”
我们家老大虽然只有两岁半但是真的很暖,有次跟他玩building box我们堆了好高,然后他弟弟爬过来一下就给我们推倒了,然后我假装很伤心的在那儿哭,老大看到立马跑过来抱着我说“It's ok,carol,it's ok,we can do it again”一边拍着我的肩膀在哪儿安慰我,心都化了。他有一只毛绒兔子,有天早上他跟我说兔兔hungry,can you make oatmeal for 兔兔,carol?”因为他每天的早饭是oatmeal,我给他做好了他还让我把兔子放在他的凳子上,他喂他吃,然后还一边发出呀米呀米的声音。
还有每次我要去健身房,他看到我换了衣服出门就在那儿说“you will go gym,wenli!”然后我就跟他说是的,我出去啦,他跟着我跑一边还说“I want to 出去啦”然后我说你去把裤子穿好,趁他不注意我就出去把门关上了,他就会贴在门口叫“carol,carol,hold on please!”
Carol provides diligent and responsible care for both our small children. This is a large responsibility which she handles with enthusiasm and aplomb. We have great confidence that our children are being well loved on when we leave them with Carol.
Since coming into our home, Carol has been sharing her Chinese culture. When she notices a difference in our habits or lifestyle, she asks us about it and tells us what she is accustomed to in china. On one occasion we returned home to the pleasant surprise of an authentic Sichuan meal. We look forward to her teaching us how to make Chinese food.
She is a pleasant and independent woman who has easily started to make friends both with our neighbors and with other au pairs in her cluster. She has attended our town’s fall festival and explored our city on her own. Being in a completely new country and so far from home have not phased carol at all.
One of the highlights for us of the au pair program is the language exchange. Wenli has been working on improving her English and practicing her new idiomatic expressions with us. We are very excited to watch our oldest son interact with her in Chinese and even speak some Chinese. Wenli is exactly the kind of wonderful young woman we hoped to spend a year with when we heard about the au pair program. We think she models the benefits of this childcare option and are excited about her remaining time with us.
Kristen, Matt, Benjamin, and Adoniram Butler
2017 APiA年度互惠生提名证书